Shouldn’t let it get to me.


My sister in law is a sh*tty mother to say the least. Has already had my niece taken away for 6 months in 2018 due to bad life decisions and drugs. She went and lived with my mother in law, and stayed with us a good bit too. Well now my sister in law just pawns her off on any one willing to watch her, my mother in law was trying to help the best she could but her and her husband both work full time jobs and were having to wake my niece up at 4 in the morning to go to a baby sitter until 6 at night. I don’t feel that is necessary when she can come stay with us. I am a SAHM and my husband works full time, we have 2 daughters, one a year older then her and then a 2 year old. We have had her since school let out in March, she goes to see her momma MAYBE 1 time a week if that most of the time I don’t hear from my SIL. I am trying to give her the life she deserves not one with a sh*tty momma and her abusive BF. They just moved into one of the most high crime rate apartments where we live. I don’t want her around that. Her father has never been in the picture. So he doesn’t care what’s going on with his daughter. But I just want her to have the best life she can. I have completely remodeled my daughters room to accommodate both of them, I have fully stocked her closet with clothes and new shoes. She tells me all the time she wants to come live with me and stay with us. She will go days if not weeks with out talking to her but when momma calls she’s the greatest mom in the world and she’s ready to go back home. But then when she gets back the next morning she is never gone for more then over night and back the next morning by 7. She talks about how she sat alone in her rooms and her momma didn’t even talk to her. I know it shouldn’t let it bother me or hurt my heart but it breaks me every time.

I want nothing more then to prove her unfit and make her not have to go through this crap every other week. I know it will be hard because she will always be her “mother” and she will always want her momma but I just want her to have the best.