Scared but excited about new relationship

Hi ladies! Right after my birthday last month, I reconnected with a guy I went to high school with. Not gonna lie, I was apprehensive at first because I thought it was going to be a summer fling thing. He asked me what I was looking for and turns out, we both are relationship people. Days went by and he came to visit me (I was 2.5 hours away) and we had a great time. We did have sex, but the connection other than that was definitely there. We've been dating a month now and we talk of making it very official soon. I've met his family and I think he'll meet mine soon. The last relationship I was in, I was 19 and naive. He lost interest in me after a month of dating and didn't tell me until later. This new guy and I will be long distance and I'm nervous about that as well. He's so into me, which is something I like, but I'm into him as well. I guess I'm asking like is it normal to be a bit apprehensive about jumping into it becoming official? I want to be, but I don't want to rush as well