I really need advice doctor says I might have chlamydia

So I've been dealing with back to back yeast infections for a while now couldn't find out the problem had bv and a yeast infection together yeast infection ofcourse went away and came back this has become such an emotional topic its taking a toll on me being normal. I went to the doctor she does a pap ofcourse same ol same ol she said yeast infection no bv happily 😊, butttt at the end of the appointment I keep explaining to her they keep coming back no matter what i do i was so upset when she ended the appointment with no answers wat so ever, so when she was doing the pap she said I had a lot of discharge which could indicate chlamydia, but I've been with my bf for 7 years never any cheating suspicions. (Btw she's not my regular doctor) she doesn't really kno any of my medical history and we met for the first time at the appointment, but she says she doubts it's chlamydia becuz I've only have 1 sex partner. But I'm still scared becuz why else would she say that but she said I could have to many hormones or not enough so the next step is we're waiting for my results Saturday and another pap and blood test for hormones in 2 weeks. Please just give me advice or your experience thanks wow guys forgot one thing she said she believes I'm allergic to my bfs sperm🥴🥴 like wow wtf