TMI should we get them now or later or not at all??

So a few months ago we found out my husband has 2 siblings from his father's side a 12 year old girl and a 4 year old boy 3 months younger than our own son (TMI my husband is technically a rape baby so we don't share the bio dads last name or know the bio father) we met them and learned their story, the little boy was born with drugs in his system and they dont have parents (both are felons/drunks living in separate sheds somewhere) their grandma fostered them till she died this Jan after the boys 4th Birthday, then their grandpa had to move in and take over, he's almost in his 70's and isn't doing everything correct, we live in a house of 3 but its not the best house has problems, and my mom comes back and forth from my grandparents across the street, we have payed all the bills since I was 16. We want to move out we have land and a place where a house use to be we just need the money and to be accepted by someone, we don't have credit yet we are in our early 20's. We feel very connected to them and the little boy mistakenly already called us momma and daddy, should we foster them now and get a house while doing that or wait till we have a home set up, or not get them at all?

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