Dog mom moments

So tonight my 11 year old lab and myself are camping out in the living room. She is in the process of weaning off of her Prozac (due to weight loss and increased anxiety). So she has randomly been getting very anxious in the middle of the night. After barley sleeping the past three nights my husband needed a good night sleep, he has a few 12 hour shifts coming up, so I decided to pull out the air bed and stay in the living room with her. So far tonight she’s doing great and hopefully her new meds will help her, but until she starts feeling better I don’t mind camping out with her. I’ve had her since she she was three days old, her mom refused to let her nurse, she was the runt of 12 puppies. In our 11 years there hasn’t been many nights that we didn’t sleep in the same room.

She’s enjoying the air bed.