Peeing In Home


Alright, so last year , I adopted a 5 year old stray dog from one of our local rescues. She's the sweetest thing , but still thinks she is an outside dog 🙄. It doesn't bother me much , except she PEES in the house.

I've owned dogs for years and I have never had one act like this. Usually, I get dogs when they are puppies . They'll be house trained by roughly 12 weeks ( 4 weeks after we get them ) . Its been a year and she is still not potty trained. Before you ask , she does not have a uti and doesn't have anything going on down there.

Her routine everyday is

7am ; Waking up , morning pee outside

8am-9am ; Breakfast is served.

10am - 11 am ; Walk / pee time

12 - 1 ; Play time , until she tires.

2 - 3 ; Leave her alone , so she naps

330 - 6 ; Walk/Pee/Playtime again

6 - 7 ; Dinner time

8 - 9 ; Playtime / walk

10 - 11 ; Crate time ( bed time usually )

We are all consistent in taking her outside. If we let her out of our sight , she will pee. Then she'll come sit in our faces, with that guilty puppy look , so we automatically know. She goes in her crate for about 15 - 20 minutes . We take her directly outside after we tell her "NO" . Yes we do bring her to the crime scene , so she know what we are referring to . We do reward her for peeing outside with treats and "Good girl" . I dont know what else to do , but I do know after her , I dont think I will ever get a stray dog from the shelter again . 😢

Help me !!!