Anxiety and Sex

I have anxiety and depression issues, mostly on the anxiety side. I don't take any medication. I'm also a very shy, reserved, guarded person because of it. My sex drive is non existent, I literally have nothing. I've been with my husband for 20ish years and the poor guy has been a saint about it but we barely have sex. I think it's partly because I'm shy when it comes to sex and being intimate and exposed that way. I just can't relax and enjoy it so when I do have sex I'm never wet and it can be painful. We have a 9 month old and it's just gotten worse after he was born. I need to probably talk to a doctor but I'm nervous about that too and I'm not sure if I should see a GP, therapist or the gyno. My husband also doesn't do much foreplay and I think that's my fault because I just want to get it over with and have 'trained' him to just get to the point. It's also hard to tell him what I like because I'm so shy. I know that sounds incredibly dumb because we have been together so long. I'm completely comfortable being naked around him but when we get intimate everything changes. He tries to ask me what I want to which I always reply, I don't care and try to end that conversation.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for by posting this but just need to put it somewhere I guess. I'm just lost.