Should I be mad? Rant


So my boyfriend lives a city away from me and since he works almost all week and only has mondays and Tuesdays of every week off. So last week (this week, that’s coming to an end) was his friends birthday & they had planned to go to Vegas for the 2 days so I wouldn’t have seen him that week but decided not to because of the rona so he told me that he was going hiking with the boys on Monday and was going to drink later in the night but that I’d see him Tuesday. So I was okay with it because I was going to see him. But later in the night he told me that they decided to actually do something on Tuesday and that they planned to go to a lake but it was going to be all guys. So I was bummed tf out because he had just planned to see me but now since they made late plans he had to cancel ours 🙃 so then he said that we can go hiking Wednesday morning before he goes to work at 3 but knowing him, I knew he wasn’t going to wake up early because we have planned so many times to go hiking and he’s never gotten up to go with me (but he wakes up to go with his friends😐) so I kept saying that I know it’s not gonna happen and I’ll just make him late to work or he’d end up waking up too late. But he was saying that he’d do it especially for me blah blah blah & that at least we’d get to see each other even if it’s for a little but I knew it was bs because I know from past experiences that he never follows through. So I said might as well see you next week since I’d have a better chance at actually seeing you but then I over thought it and was like maybe he actually will get up early. So in Tuesday night he was saying he was tired from the lake and I asked so your not gonna want to go hiking In the morning huh and he said that he might get up late. But that’s not what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear “I’m tired, but I really want to see you so I’ll put an alarm”. But since he didn’t say he’d actually make sure to get up early to see me, I just didn’t even want to go. I said next weeks better. And so Thursday morning he got up early and went running with his friends of course and so I feel mad and jealous that he seen his friends 3 times this week while not even making a actual effort to see me. So today he said that his work schedule changed to Monday’s and fridays. And I said that I better see him for both days he has off and he said okay. So today he said “wanna come to the lake with me and my friends on monday?”. Like wtff I wanted to spend time with him alone. Like he had literally just seen his friends this whole week and he really wants to make plans with them and invite me to their plan?? Like he literally cant go without seeing them but yet he can go without seeing me 😐 i don’t want to seem selfish but this week was their week, now next week should be mine to spend time with him (without his friends). It’s just not fair to me like how is it that I tell him that the next days he has off better be with me but yet he has already managed to make plans with his friends and just invite me? Ugggh I’m so mad. & I said who’s going and he said the boys and some girls his friends are bringing so I was like it’s going to be awkward. And he said well Monday is the last day me and my friend are going to have the same day off. Like so it’s not even about seeing me it’s more of seeing his friend on their last day off together 🙃