Daddy Salads VS Mommys Junk food


Currently a few months pregnant & barely starting the morning sickness train. With that in mind I'd just like to rant about how my unborn child hates my prior junk food choices I used to love with a passion before I got pregnant. NOW all I want to eat is Salads & healthy food. Guess who eats salads & health nut foods like they're going out of style? If you guessed Dad, then BINGO! you won. I honestly feel betrayed lol I'll throw up or start gagging without actually vomiting at the thought or sight/smell of old foods I used to love but I'll stay craving and eating healthy foods. Daddy thinks its so hilarious because I NEVER wanted to eat his type of food until now. Although annoyed a lil, I can't be mad or complain too much. I know my mans eating habits have ALWAYS been much healthier then mine. I just miss PIZZA, WINGS, PORK CHOPS, COCOA PUFFS, AND STEAK. 😭😭 Curse my Pescatarian boyfriend. 😒🙄💖