Do I go get my hair done or no ?

I know this may sound dumb.. I have been so cautious of keeping my distance through this whole coronavirus pandemic, considering I am 7 months pregnant. I’ve only gone to my drs appointments pretty much. But I’m seriously considering making an appointment to get my hair done.

I’ve always had really healthy hair but its getting so bad. I used to get it done every 3-4 months. And last time I got it done was before this pandemic hit. So it’s been much longer than that.

My hair is breaking off in spots! I think it’s a combination of not getting a cut in so long and pregnancy hormones that have made my hair so bad lately. And who knows when this pandemic will calm down, so waiting to get it taken care of until things calm down could be forever, and I know my hair will just get so much worse by that point.

It’s a small shop I go to so there would only be 4 ppl in there max, and they’ve announced they’re taking this seriously and are taking all the precautions to keep everyone safe.

So I guess I feel guilty doing something like getting my hair done during a time like this? My hair is really important to me and I hate seeing how unhealthy its looking every time I look in the mirror!

Should I make an appointment or is this something I should just wait out ?