Need some help


Hello pretty ladies!!

Okay so I matched with this guy on tinder... so outside my conference zone. But I went for it. He actually is mutual friends with some friends from high school. So I was like great, at least I don’t have to worry about going into a date blind. Okay so we hung out once, the second time we were supposed to hangout he was exposed to covid and didn’t want to hangout since he knew I worry about covid and getting sick with it. The next time (two weeks later, I know I am crazy😂😂) he said he would be home like 9:30 from a friends house, and wanted me to come over and stay the night. I thought yeah it would be okay. Well at 10:30 he was still with the boys. I just said rain check. He knew I was pissed but we aren’t dating so I couldn’t say much. I am starting to think he’s not interest... idk rough past makes me worry. We talk every day, either through texting or snap. We even get the flirty text going 😜😜 I know dating is different right now with COVID... but can someone give me advice!