How would you handle this? Idk if I’m wrong or not...

So I actually posted on here not too long ago about how I started a small business, but then when orders started coming in I got pregnant and was very sick/tired especially because I have a toddler at home. So I told my boyfriend I’m going to stop accepting orders until I get caught up because it was hard for me to complete them in a timely matter (it takes me 4 hours to complete each one) and I didn’t want to get overwhelmed (I am literally the queen of this!!!). He told me to continue accepting orders, that he doesn’t care he will literally do everything for me if I don’t want to (he obviously just wanted the money).

So I listened to him. He has not helped me. I’m overwhelmed and have so much anxiety. I’m stressing out now because I need to get these orders out - they’re already past the expected date and people are getting upset with me (so now this is literally ruining my business).

He helped me once and 10 minutes in I had to run to the store to pick up supplies, when I came heck everything was how it was when i left and he was on the couch...and our son woke up from his nap. So I was pissed.

Now today, I HAD to send out 5 orders. I just had to. They were way too far behind. I had a very angry customer reach out to me saying they were going to open up a claim. So I started panicking because this honesty was never my intention. I wanted money for myself. For my kids. To be able to say “I contribute too.”

I told my boyfriend and he said “ok what do you want me to do?” Our son decided he didn’t want to nap today so I said just please watch him and clean the kitchen for me and cook dinner. I literally told him to throw something in the oven or heat up left overs on the stove (which he did). He said ok you can take the day off and work on everything don’t worry. So 20 minutes goes by...our son is still in his crib. My boyfriend is on the phone with his friend SMOKING a bong in the living room (blowing it outside, but still he knows I hate this...I don’t do it...I don’t want it around my kids. He will literally just leave the bong on the kitchen table?). So I told him again he needs to get our son.

So he did and I told him just to put a movie on for him, give him a snack, and clean and then cook. He said “ok baby” an hour in I hear him on Instagram...then an hour after that same I was getting pissed. I literally had to keep reminding him what time our son needed to eat, have a bath, and go to bed. Long story short, when I went downstairs after 5 HOURS OF WORKING and feeling like complete shit everything was still a mess...he literally put the dishes in the washer...that’s ALL. He told me he was going to vacuum and everything. So now I’m even more stressed out.

I ended up having a panic attack for 15 minutes. I’m really upset with major anxiety laying in bed while he’s outside smoking again...he asked me “why are you mad at me?” My stomach hurts. I’m exhausted. My back hurts from making orders...ugh!!!!!

How would you handle all of this? It’s just too much. I don’t know if because I’m pregnant I’m being crazy or not. But honestly, he will yell at me everyday he will sometimes call me names too. Sometimes when he’s angry he throws things. But if I bring it up to him on a day he hasn’t done it, he says “why are you

Bringing up the past” “I didn’t even do anything today” It’s just all too much. I don’t even feel Supported on my business. I literally didn’t want to do it for this reason and now he’s not even helping like he said he would?