Clomid. Cycle 2. Low progesterone. Feeling Defeated.


2nd cycle on Clomid- only had 1 follicle this cycle (last cycle and 1st Clomid cycle had 3 great sized follicles). Went in for my progesterone level today- 10.8 (with progesterone suppositories). They want closer to 20. She said *I could still get pregnant* but next cycle increasing Clomid to 100 mg and doing another round of timed intercourse or move along to <a href="">IUI</a>. Feeling so defeated, in every aspect with this. Just want our rainbow baby so badly (don’t we all) this week was our due date so my husband had me convinced this would be our cycle and maybe it is, but definitely not feeling it and feeling more and more frustrated why this is so hard for us- have had all labs, HSG, semen analysis, DNA, the works and everything is normal. Thanks for reading. I guess I’m just looking for some hope. Or someone who “gets” it.