Don’t understand baby size comparisons



All of these apps I’m using tell me how big my baby supposedly is. I’m 19 weeks, and this week it’s the size of a mango or a view finder. But I don’t see how it’s possible. I’ve barely gained any weight maybe 8 or 9lbs). Do these sizes include amniotic sac or is it actual baby size? I’m worried something is wrong since I can’t visualize it. I don’t even really get pains from my body growing. Only constant boob pain.

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I think those are fun little comparisons to help you visualize how big your baby is but I stopped looking at mine because they're all vastly different for no apparent reason lol. Then I realized the main app I was using was going by weight, and saying baby weighs as much as an ear of corn or whatever when another app might say baby is the size of a pomegranate.Its just for fun, it's not scientific or accurate. I think it's just a cute thing to help time go by. If you have any concerns I'd take them up with your doctor but don't worry if you can't imagine your baby being the size of a 90s toy haha


Posted at
I think it's supposed to be baby, and just cute comparisons to help you feel like things are coming along. I never understood some of them, I can remember exactly, but I remember saying something like "my oranges are bigger than my apples, we're either going backwards or my fruits aren't the right size" lol My first baby wasn't born as heavy as these trackings predict, it's just a base :)


Posted at
I lost 20 and have only gained 2-4 it fluctuates and I’m 22+5 today. I was plus size before so there’s also the fact I’m not supposed to gain a ton but I saw him at my 20 week and he had grown a lot. He was measuring ahead too. Some of those go by weight and some by length. I think it’s weird because the same app will give me a pomegranate so that’s gotta be weight and like you said a toy that’s not a ball so that’s gotta be length. So confusing. The one that gave me the best visualization at one point was when he was the size of a water bottle (the picture they used was a very recognizable water bottle that we have 2 of in our house) so I was like wow. Okay this is how big he is! I also saw someone somewhere posted a picture of their preterm baby and listed his stats in the picture and showed how small he truly was in comparison something I don’t remember what and I was like wow. My baby weighs the same as him right now according to the US it was very surreal to see a baby the same size as him he was so so small


Posted at
Every pregnancy and baby is different. I didn’t look like I was pregnant til I was like 36 weeks! But I felt the pains of pregnancy, didn’t have much nausea. My son was estimated to be over 7 pounds at birth. But he was 6 pounds and 11 ounces. They’re just estimates. You shouldn’t be too worried. Don’t overthink things.


Posted at
Yes every pregnancy is different I look like a whale and haven’t gained a pound, I’m 18 weeks!!! My first pregnancy I gained 65lbs!!! Enjoy while you can still breath!! Lol


Posted at
I agree with the other comment not to overthink things. They’re just averages. And as much as it’s hard to visualise, it’s more than likely accurate (ish anyway!). I’m 21 weeks and I’m 7lbs lighter than I was pre pregnancy. I lost 14lbs up until a month or so ago. So your weight is nothing to go by. You’ll start to get your hight of fundus measured from around 24 weeks which will monitor your baby’s growth better. Some people pop straight away, others barely show at all! But you’re baby will still come out looking the same (give or take a few lbs).


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Thanks everyone!