There's only so much I can take.

I just need a pick me up. I'm 18weeks pregnant and have recently moved abroad with my 6yr old daughter. Iv been married to my now husband for 18months. Iv put up with so much and been patient as I don't want to be that girl that keeps getting divorced again and again. My husband isnt as nice to my daughter as I would like him to be but then saying that he has a harsh nature- it's who he is we have kinda accepted that now. All I want is a peaceful life, it's all Iv ever wanted without the drama and the arguments. My husband has a heart of gold he really does but he has the shortest temper ever. He tends to flip out over the tiniest thing all the time. It's so draining at first we would argue uncontrollably as I'm a hot head and I would square up to him but now I just keep my mouth shut for an easier life and cry it out like a helpless child. I mean when he's nice he's amazing but it's always so short lived. I have NO friends or family here I don't even speak the native language. Me and my daughter are always stuck at home. I used drive, have my own car, my own house. I have never relied on anyone for anything since I was 16yrs old I'm now 31. The thing is I'm high risk so I can't fly back home either now as doctors have advised to not fly so I'm stuck in this shit country until after my baby is born which is due next April. My husband is all I have really here and he's so harsh and obnoxious at times Iv had enough. I wait all day for him to get home and if he's had a tough day he will come and take it out on us. I'm so sad and lonely and feel like Iv not only destroyed my own life but my daughters too. She has had to give up her friends and her father whom she used to see daily to be here with me. Iv really hit rock bottom and I'm miserable. I don't know what to do. I love my husband that's the sad part of all this I love him with all my heart. I want it to work but he's one of these people u just can't reason with when he's having one of moods. I'm so hurt I sold my beautiful home, my BMW, all my furniture everything- my whole 31yrs to come and settle here and I'm just extremely heartbroken.