Dear Ryan,

To the boy who showed up in my English class my junior year... the boy who all of a sudden meant the world to me... the boy who would wait for me and hug me... walk me to class everyday.... the boy who gave me the best hugs... After all these years.... I still love you. I have never had anyone else in my life make me feel the way I felt with you.

We were kids, and I couldn’t be with you because of my religion.... but that was the only thing keeping me from you. When you told me you were moving, my world stopped. I couldn’t stop the tears. When I hugged you for the last time, and saw your eyes get misty, I knew we were supposed to be. You came back for my graduation... you were the first person on the field to run and hug me and twirl me in the air... I still couldn’t be with you, and it absolutely killed me. We stayed friends on Facebook. I watched you move on, get married... have babies. But we have stayed friends since junior year, 2003.

Two years ago when I spoke to you, you asked me if I ever think of what could have been.... I didn’t answer because we have both since moved on, and it wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. You removed me from your friends, I still have no idea why. Maybe I hurt you by not answering. I’ll never know...But I can tell you here, right now, I do think of it. I wonder what our life would have been like.. our babies. My little girls would have had your eyes, and my little boy your charm and smile.

I will always and forever have a special place for you in my heart. You’ll never know how I feel, but just know I’m so happy you are living life, married, with beautiful daughters who love you to pieces. Such a beautiful man... I will just always remember when.

Life has a funny way of unraveling, huh?