Over this.

I’m sick of this! I want out, but I can’t move. I feel stuck. We have a baby on the way ... You’ve put hands on me, you treat your son better than you do mine and my daughter? You treat her better than you treat my son, too. My son is 10 yrs old with adhd and yea, he is mouthy. His son? 12 yrs old and Has the same thing and has a problem with authority as well.. constantly getting into trouble and even have gotten my son in trouble a few times. His dad knows what a troubled child he is, but he still treats him better than my son! Me? I’ve never treated his son any different than I do my own two.

I can’t speak what’s on my mind during the heat of the moment, because he will slap

Me or pull my hair.. it’s always something. He says he doesn’t like mouth...so pretty much, nobody can say shit to him but he can say what he wants to everyone else. I’m so tired of the one sided bullshit.

The sex is terrible. I get no pleasure. I don’t even cum with him.. because he doesn’t take the time to get me off, just as long as he gets off. So I find myself getting myself off every other day or so.

Communication obviously sucks with us, but not because of me. I try to talk in a civilized way, but he’s too busy trying to attack me. When I’m upset, he can tell, and he does ask what’s wrong, but he doesn’t actually care to know.. you can tell.. I mean, everything goes thru one ear and out the other. It feels like he only show affection when he’s horny.. he does hold my hand in public, but barely. He kisses me but it feels forced on his part..

Lately, he doesn’t call me on his breaks. He gets two. One in the morning and one at lunch.. and he’s been making excuses saying he’s been working thru his breaks because there’s so much that has to be done in a certain amount of time. He works for amazon, just cleaning.. idk. It don’t sit right with me. Who actually works and forgets to take a break.. maybe I’m overreacting on that part.

I don’t feel beautiful anymore. I’ve put on weight because I am pregnant. I find myself crying more and more and again, he doesn’t comfort me or calls me beautiful. I can’t help but to feel like I’m not good enough.. if I was, then he would treat

Me better, right?

This post wasn’t meant for anything more than just to vent. I dont need Advice.. I just needed a place to talk about what’s on my mind, without feeling as though I’m talking to a wall or having hands put on me because my thoughts and feelings make him mad.