
So my little one is perfectly fine (a little fussy, but otherwise her behavior is the same). The only thing is she has a fever that came on this morning. Tricare is limiting the testing due to people with severe symptoms, so they won't even let us get tested--unless we go off base and want to wait 1-2 weeks for results. I'm 99.9% sure it is not COVID19 related as she is also teething (pretty severely--she has about 4-6 teeth coming in right now 😵). Can I just say this COVID19 thing is frustrating me beyond belief. What I'm certain is teething related, everyone freaks out and requires us to be quarantined for 2 weeks in case she's sick. I understand to a point, but come on. My husband's an essential worker, I'm an essential worker. We wear masks daily, we don't go out unless we need to and I can honestly say I'm so over this. Where we're at, the cases have been declining and we're no longer on the watch list but certain areas in the state--im looking at you Bay Area/norcal and LA--have ruined it for the rest of us...thanks CA 🙄