Fears about labor and delivery

Short story - when I got my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago they were just going to put me out and do the surgery. I felt a little anxious but not horribly. So when I went to lay in the chair he hooked me up to a monitor and my heart rate sky rocketed. He ended up having to use laughing gas on me before even starting the surgery to get it down to a safe level so they could start the surgery. I also felt like this at the dentist when they numb my mouth. My fear is that same thing will happen when I go in the hospital to have the baby. I am hoping for an epidural, but when i get numbed my heart rate goes way up and i am assuming that’s obviously not good for the baby. Also if i have to have a c section i’m sure my heart rate is going to sky rocket at that point if i’m awake during surgery, and i just want the baby to be safe. Some people might say you’ll be in to much pain to worry or get anxious but it’s like i have no control over it. Has this happened to anyone or does anybody have the same fear? If it did happen what did they end up doing to stabilize you