Toxic parents should I just move out?


My mom is a single mom of 4 she raised us without the help of my father. Growing up, she’s been through a lot of trauma with her own mother abusing her and kicking her out after college... her mother as well was abusive to her. Living with my mom all of my life has been toxic, she has an untreated bi polar disorder and at any minute I never know what i’m gonna get: when she’s mad, she hits, she’s tried to throw bleach on me and feels we owe her for taking care or us. She comes home miserable and is never happy until the rest of us are miserable as well. Both of my sisters moved out, one in Boston who refuses to come home because of her: I had a place, the lease ended and I came back to help her and pay her rent ato live with her since she was making $9 and hour unable to afford the bills even though I very well could live elsewhere. She has made it 100% miserable I hate coming home from work. When I bring up moving out, she guilt trips me saying i’m selfish and ungrateful and i’m using her.. the first time when I returned from college and moved she turned all of my family against me saying I left her. I’m 25....when I was younger, I bought a car and she put it in her name for insurance purposes, it is old and I need another she refuses to give me the title for trade in. She says it’s hers. Should I just get another and not tell her and just move our while she’s not home to prevent her getting violent like she does. It’s impossible to have a healthy conversation or anything with her. It ends up going left.