Need advice!!


Hi ladies. So I'm new to this, and I posted this already just not sure where I did it on here so I'm re posting it on here! Lol.

My fiance and I are trying for baby #2! I had my period October 5th, and it lasted about 4 good days then stopped. Well he works out of state and when he came back home we had sex on the 4th which is around the time I should of started and a couple days after that before he left again but never did and still haven't started. Lately I have been more tired than usual to where 2-3 after I do my morning routing I want to lay down and take a nap, I just don't have much energy or motivation to do anything! My appetite had increased and I have these blemishes around my chin lately. When I'm fixing to start my period in always get 1 or 2 pimples on my forehead but haven't had any. My mood swings are horrible to, but no breast tenderness at all. I know it could be either or, but had anyone experienced this before? Could it just be my body going all crazy and me start at a later date!? Im not stressing out as i know that can just make things worse! Any advice would help! Thanks!
