My September baby arrived in a hurry!

Ella • Ella, mum to baby Remi

On Thursday I was having more intense ‘tightenings’ or Braxton Hicks than previously, allllll day. I woke at 2am Friday morning to my waters breaking. Wow lots of fluid! Shortly after, my contractions started.

At 1:30pm I went in for checking and I was only 2cm dilated and sent home. An hour after I got home my contractions felt so intense I decided to go back to hospital. I arrived fully dilated and needing to push. 5 pushes later (15 minutes) she shot out of me like a torpedo! My labour plan went out of the window!

Possibly to much information, but the speed of her delivery meant she didn’t quite turn right and in addition to some usual tears, I had clitoral ones....over an hour of stitches!

She’s worth it, I’m sure you’ll agree! 😊