Stopping breastfeeding at 5 months

Hello! I would like some experiences shared. I have had a very hard journey with breastfeeding due tongue tie, oversupply at first. Follower by supply dropping in the last month. I am pumping 3x a day and my daughter nurses sometimes 3x a day but sometimes not at all. She has had constant nursing strikes from the beginning which I think has made this all the harder on my hormones.

I have noticed with supply dropping that I experience intense anxiety and depression. Despite the fact I wanted my daughter to have breastmilk for as long as possible, I think it’s time to transition to only formula. I was planning to slowly decrease pumping sessions and then just have one or two nursing sessions from time to time with daughter but don’t know if I would be best just stopping completely.

So, how long did weaning depression last for you? Were there any positives at all to ending your breastfeeding journey? Any advice or what worked for you. Please share and thank you in advance