High school boyfriend problem

So not sure if I should post this here but I don’t really know where to, I’m a bit new to the app and we’ll I have a weird issue....

I’m in high school (16) and have been with my bf for 6 months...he’s my age. Well he’s awesome, nice guy, respects me and is sweet and everything but one of his friends told me something about him that kind of makes me wonder and 🤢🤢. His friend told me that my bf has masturbated to his own stepmother. Now he told me detailed at least to what he knows and I didn’t want to know but I feel like he was trying to force it and tell me. His friend is his best friend btw. Well he told me that my bf had confided in him that one time he masturbated to a picture of his own stepmother. From what I know he doesn’t get along with her. She’s pretty mean and doesn’t get along with my bf and his sibling. So I thought it was so weird and pretty gross. Now I don’t know what to do or say to him. I feel awkward now, I know it’s none of my business but ????