Just a little venting


I just wanted to share something that’s been weighing heavily on my husband and I. To start I’ll give a little back info, I’ll be 33 weeks tomorrow and we had to use a sperm donor because my husband does not make sperm and mom of the treatments worked. The majority of our family and friends don’t know about it. Because of this my husband has said he doesn’t want to hear comments about the baby not looking like him, jokes like “are you sure that baby’s yours”, or comments about the baby looking like anyone other than me in general. The problem is his mom is the worst about trying to compare every child to one of her 4 sons who is so obviously the favorite. It’s like she just can’t help herself. To clarify she also does not know about the sperm donor. My husband has said comments like that would really hurt his feelings because in his mind he knows the baby doesn’t have his genetics. He told me he hopes she looks just like me so that there won’t be any comments but I’m worried that there will still be some coming from his mom and I couldn’t stand to see him hurt. This may seem silly to some but it’s something he has mentioned multiple times and he never talks about feelings so I know it is something that’s a big deal to him. We had a 5 D ultrasound done and from what we saw she does resemble me as a newborn. She was stubborn so I go back Thursday to get better pictures but I’ll attach a few that I have and a picture of me and you guys let me know what you think.