How to deal with a disrespectful toddler?

Idk what else to do. My child does not listen. My child is almost 4. I got a call at work today to come and pickup him from daycare. He is disrespectful, throws his shoes at them, bit one of the workers, disrupts the whole daycare and breaks rules. The daycare worker told me that he would not calm down enough to go back to the classroom.

He does give me a hard time with rules I set forth and pushes it. Worst of all he laughs and thinks its a game.

I have done the timeouts. I tried redirect. Its mostly a daycare issue. Idk if he's too stimulated by kids and things ...

Today I removed all his toys and told him that he would get them back when he listens and follows the rules.

His dad wants to put him on meds. Which im am totally against. No offense to anyone who has kids on meds. I dont believe meds is solution to HIS issues. I think its more of changing us to better communicate to him.

I am hoping that someone has gone through this and could possibly give advise. Please. 😔

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