Baby was up most of the day and now all night help

What can I do? Is there anything to get her to sleep at night? She's a month old and did good the first couple of nights home. Took her to see some family and she's been staying up all night ever since that one night. I don't understand. Today she slept maybe in total 4-5 hours and came home went to sleep from 8:30-12 and has been awake ever since. Help! This mama and daddy need some sleep. We can't just sleep when she does. We've tried the swing for a little bit and then laying her down and she hardly goes to sleep in it and/or she wakes up when we lay her down if she does. We can rock her and she'll go to sleep but the second you move she wakes up. We've tried giving her the pacifier and she just spits it right back out.