How old were you when you shaved your legs?


My daughter is almost 8 and she has very dark hair on her legs and I think she’s conscious because of it. It’s quite warm here in the UK still but she will put winter tights on and doesn’t want to wear just socks. She gets quite hot and She refuses to wear school pants. I’m going to talk to her about what’s bothering her and see if it’s her leg hair (I WONT mention it I will let her).

I’m just looking for some kind of age guide as I’ve never been really hairy and shaved when I was about 12 so to me she’s very young, however I’m vary fair skinned with auburn hair and she is olive skinned with very dark hair.

Please don’t jump on me for this I’m just trying to help my child be more comfortable and will try to help her in every way before going down the hair removal route.


We’ve spoken and she’s told me she doesn’t want anyone to see her leg hair so she wears tights 😭 kinda broke my heart so it’s going, she doesn’t like it at all. Pic to add.


We done it together, mostly me as she was a bit scared, the next day she went to school in a skirt and socks instead of tights, she was soo happy. 💗