At what point does PPA become General Anxiety?

I've been really struggling lately, as I'm sure most parents are during the pandemic. Mostly I've been depressed and isolated from my support systems except for my husband. My husband works 70+ hours a week most weeks and has only been getting one weekend off every 3 weeks. So not having much help with our baby, I've just been having a hard time. I had a lot of PPA early on, but it's faded out mostly until recently. I get anxious about everything. Most recently was last night where I laid awake all night worried because there was a wind storm going on and I had left some of my daughter's toys outside. I literally worried for hours and hours over it and couldn't go to sleep.

At this point, I'm ready to go on medication if need be. I was on hydroxyzine while pregnant for insomnia and it helped a lot with anxiety and depression, so I would like to take that again if possible. I'm just not sure if I should just call up my GP or if I should call my OB. Is it still PPA if I'm 9.5 months PP?

I also have other things I could get done while at my OBs office, so if I could kill 2 birds with one stone that would be cool too. I'm just not sure if it still counts as PPA at this point.

Encouragement would also be appreciated at this point because I'm just feeling really low. Thanks!