September baby

Jerica • Momma of a 2 baby boys and wife to an amazing man. God is good!!

This morning I had my newest addition 36 weeks along. It’s a boy!! (I knew it 😉) his name is Hunter Stephen coming in at 7lbs 9 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. We are super blessed.

Unfortunately after a little snuggle time and trying to get him to eat he wasn’t cooperating so we tested his glucose and o2 stats to make sure everything was ok, but he had low glucose and stats together. He was transferred over to the nicu and man was that hard watching my second child roll off again. I am glad I got a few snuggles in before he left. He is doing very good and was diagnosed with respiratory distress syndrome. Essentially his lungs just need a little extra help with surfactant and a cpap machine. He is completely on room air just needs to learn to control his breath a bit. After he got some iv fluids his glucose has not been a problem. We are blessed for our newest addition and pray that he won’t be in the nicu long.

Fingers crossed he just wanted the royalty treatment while here and will be going home with us or just a few days after.