2 under 2 jealousy

Alexandra • Wife & Mama of 2 ♥️

My 16 month old has been so clingy and misbehaving so much since his sister was born last month. He is so affected by not being an only child anymore it’s affecting his sleep. What I mean is, I breastfeed my newborn and he screams his head off if when he sees me feeding her. To survive the day I tandem feed them because if I don’t he will throw stuff and hit us both...I’ve weaned him off before his sister was born and now he won’t go to sleep or wakes up 3x during the night and needs to be nursed back to bed. We’re back at square one and also dealing with his emotions.

He is now also super jealous of her and me and my husband give him what he needs but it isn’t enough for him. I know this is a phase but I’m exhausted. For the moms who survived 2 under two, what did you do that helped you?