What is a surgical abortion like?

Yes, i am the same poster from a few days ago. 2 of my friends are having abortions, well one had one today and the other has one in a week.

One chose the medication method and the one i am talking about here is choosing surgical. I have never had an abortion but I wanna help them out some. I posted on multiple prochoice Facebook pages asking for detailed experiences with the surgical abortion. I offered to ask questions for her in those groups so that she can remain anonymous on those forums, but ill remain anonymous on this forum where I can.

She wants to know this.

1.How long was the procedure?

2.What was it like from start to finish?

3.Was there any pain? Will it hurt at all?

4.Will she be able to drive herself home or will she absolutely need a ride?

5. How long ago was your abortion? Like how many weeks/months/years ago?

And I asked her why she wants to know that, and she said she wants to make sure things are done the same way you are or would be explaining them.

She’s just having a lot of anxiety about it. She has had a previous abortion and it was the abortion pill and her experience was a traumatic event and she doesn’t want to be traumatized all over again. She just doesn’t want to be pregnant anymore.

So all I ask here is that if you are able, can you explain your surgical abortion experience here in detail?

Any comments trying to get me to talk my friend out of this will be completely ignored. I cannot explain how pointless that would be.

This is the prochoice room, I am within the rules.