Okay,so I have liked this kid for over a year now but just recently his girlfriend broke up with him.I did not know this for a while after the fact but I finally found out that they broke  up and I got super exited!So I decided I would text one of my really good friends that I have been talking about this kid to and little did I know that I was not texting her I was texting HIM!!the text message read "hey have you heard that the girl with the dimples finally broke up with him" so i realized what I did and then I texted back saying wrong person omg I feel so bad and stuff like that.He replies that it's fine don't worry and everything will be okay and he asks who was the message sapoose to go to and then he said that it was all going to be okay!Opions?does he possibly like me?did I do the right thing?do you think he is good?