I need advice


So I have pcos and after a year of trying we are now starting to get fertility testing done. Well we found out that due to my boyfriend being on a daily methadone prescription he has low testosterone. He’s freaking out about it. Even though we are now being ordered to do a semen analysis test he would like to do testosterone injections. I’ve read many article on how this is basically like male birth control. It stops the production of sperm. So not ideal if we’re going to keep trying to have a family. He says that he just wants to feel better and while I understand that I just wish that he would let me figure out what’s going on so that we can do something that works for both of us. He said that he is not willing to wait that I can break up with him if I’d like. That’s not what I want but I also want a baby I want a family I’m so tired of taking other people’s kids and not having my own. My heart feels like it’s broken in a million pieces. I either have to give up my dreams of being a mommy or give up my boyfriend of nearly 7 years. I just don’t know what to do. Has anyone else had this experience and found a solution?