I just need a little more place to rant and let it out 😔

I’m feeling so drained

Me (22) and my sister (16) have never really got on we’ve not really got anything in common and she thinks she’s the fucking queen

Me and my mum are really close but since moving out her and my sister have also become really close

Me and my mum never have any one on one time, if we plan a day out my sister always HAS to be there,

We’d planned to go out today so I turned up and mum had changed her mind and invited my sister to go at a time I can not go at (unintentionally but they’re going at that time than what me and mum had arranged)

So feeling pushed out again

*theres literally no talking to them It’s a like it or lump it situ

I tried having a laugh with my sister, and pointed at something on the telly and said that’s you

Omg it all kicked off, I’m a horrible person and a bully.. I apparently always bully her coming from my mum

In my eyes it’s what siblings do, if I had said the same thing to my brother he’s have laughed and pointed at something else saying that’s me

They’ve got dogs and I got bubba out of hes highchair and the dogs come running and then fighting under my feet to get the left overs first I obviously shouted so they listened and stopped

My sisters sat there going your a fucking psycho

What am I doing pulling all kinds of faces

My mums told me to go home 👍

As she’s sides with her

This app sounds so so petty but there such a back story

She pushed me when I was pregnant because I was having a laugh and asked who she was texting (she was being all shady with her phone)

- I was high risk during to bubba having a heart complaint she knew this

She also shouted at me another time that she feels sorry for “that kid”

I’m so fucking drained , I’m always seen to be in the wrong

She also talks to my dad like shit

And NO ONE says anything to her, I’ve mentioned it a few times to my mum and she can’t see a problem, or she can see a problem but you know 🤷‍♀️

I’m going through so much rn and she’s making my life so hard