Drama drama drama. I want to start restricting bf’s niece and some others from visiting.

I’m frustrated and newly pregnant.

My boyfriend was living with his sickly sister while saving up for us to get a place when I found out I was pregnant. His goal was to get her house in order before leaving but one of her kids objected bc she’s grown up in unstable environments and she spent 18 years never having to clean, leaving her dirty clothes, toys, and (later) cigarettes all over the bathroom, not wrapping or putting food away, not cleaning pots or pans or plates or cups, spilling things and leaving them. She’s the eldest child and the most set in her ways, while the middle child was able to be taught to do dishes and the youngest (who is quite young and also autistic) really doesn’t have responsibilities yet except not to hit the television and computer as he breaks a lot of things. My boyfriend got that house maybe 30% away from where it needs to be, if it was 100% fucked when he got there. It’s a terrible environment but with his sister being so sick she was living in squalor and he came to both save money and help.

But while I fretted over telling him about the pregnancy knowing we were at least 3 months from moving and this wasn’t our plan (though we had discussed the possibility when we talked about family planning and were in agreement to parent)... his niece flipped out, got in his face, assaulted him (she is unstable) and he was forced to restrain her or let her treat him like that. Besides her spit was flying in his face and we are in the middle of a respiratory pandemic.

After that his niece called the cops, knowing that my boyfriend is still on probation for a fight with his brother (his brother and niece are both bipolar and off their meds... the difference was that he fought his brother back but wouldn’t fight his niece. His brother is really cool when he’s not having an episode but he will fight you when he snaps and then start hollering [while hitting you] some shit like, “he’s killing me!” or some other wild shit, which I’ve witnessed on a smaller scale when they were just wrestling and he started to loose. The minute he got the upper hand again he started yelling for their mom and swearing his brother was beating him up. She like... tore them apart and yelled at my boyfriend when not 20 minutes ago I’d witnessed them agree to wrestle and no one had tapped out 👀).

Anyway back to the niece. She called the fucking cops and there were witnesses so they asked my boyfriend if he wanted to press charges (to her outrage and confusion). He said no but please give her a talking-to because nothing I say gets through to her and she is going to do this to the wrong person and get hurt if not worse (she will scream in your face an inch from you full- volume and put her hands on you do not ask me why).

Well... now the niece is upset because he won’t speak to her. She risked his freedom, life, and health and she is acting like he has been snubbing her since I got pregnant (after I waited on what the cops would do and whether or not I would even see him again... praying he didn’t get fucking shot or end up in prison for probation violation [he isn’t supposed to even talk to a cop, unless during a routine stop or reporting a crime... even if he isn’t charged he isn’t supposed to be in any incident or it violates his probation]... I called him to come straight over so I could lay eyes on him and also talk to him about something important- that’s when we took the pee tests). So like I said she’s acting like he started snubbing her with our pregnancy. When in fact she could have made him miss out on supporting his pregnant girlfriend and being at his first born’s birth. Or killed him! She also complained when he spent some $800 on our anniversary because that was money he could have given to her mom!?? Even though he gives her mom set amounts of money on a weekly basis????????

I’ve had it up to HERE with her. She is always nice to me and I always seem to be able to calm her down but the bitch is insane and frankly his whole family is dysfunctional. I don’t know how someone like him came out of those kinds of environments but he did, bless him, and I don’t want that kind of chaos in my fucking house. And I don’t want to even welcome parts of his family in our new home 😭 I don’t know what to do. I feel so bad. But I quite literally do not even want his niece to step foot in my home until she has had at least a year of therapy. I don’t even want her energy around my belly, that bitch is possessed 🙅‍♀️