Dear rapist

You changed me, I’m not who I was before you, I may never be that girl again. You were my boyfriend, I was supposed to trust you. You told me it was my fault, it was because I am so beautiful. I feel like trash, I feel disgusting. It has been almost two years and you are still trying to get to me through my friends. After I left you, you sent me a text message. Supposedly an apology messages for “whatever you had done”. In that message you stated how sorry you were, but you said “if you haven’t been used by anyone else yet”... Used... like I’m something you bought at a store. Thank you for that, but I’ll never come back to you. You hurt me... more than anything before. I’ve suffered through 5 broken arms before and a life threatening impalement that I almost died from, but nothing was as painful as what you have done. I just want to tell you, how much you have ruined me. I haven’t had a boyfriend since you, I can’t stand the thought of that happening again. So thank you. Maybe someday I’ll forgive you, but not today or tomorrow. It will take me years to fully recover from what you’ve done. I feel so ashamed, and sometime I believe, maybe, it was my fault. My parents don’t know what you did, and I don’t plan on telling them anytime soon, maybe never. I just wish someone would hold me sometimes and say “it’s going to be okay”. So I hope your happy with yourself, working at Rural King as a Automotive DM. Asking my friends about me every time you see them. Well you know something, you’re a disgusting, controlling, manipulating D***. But I’m going to pray and pray that you never find another person to do this to. I hope you live alone forever. So again, thank you.

You try to make yourself sound sweet and loving. But there’s a side to you that you can barely see until the damage is already done.