Potty training


So I’m needing some advice....Obviously they are getting close to potty training age. So my mother in law recnently bought my daughter some training underwear. I wasn’t really going to do much with them right away but my daughter took intrest to them and I talked to her about what they are. After a few days of them being on the counter and her seeing them today she wanted to put some on so I went with it. She had them on for about a hour before she had to go potty, she didn’t make it to the bathroom but she did say “potty, potty” and ran to the bathroom, so we went into the bathroom I took off her underwear and sat her on the toilet, first time she was ok with it but each time she went in her underwear and I put her on the toilet it got worst and worst and by the last time she knew she had to go and was holding herself so I put her on the potty and she screamed and cried, I said “it’s ok, just put your potty in the potty” she immediately wanted off so I took her off. I let her walk around with nothing on for a little while to see what she would do, she felt the need to go and knew she had to go so she ran into the bathroom but wouldnt sit on the toilet, as she’s crying and screaming because she has to go and is now holding it because she knows she should go on the toilet but doesn’t want to. I then put a diaper on her bc it’s almost nap time. Then she’s running around holding herself crying bc she has to go but now won’t even go in her diaper. Did I just ruin it?! I’m so worried I scared her. Before today I was putting her on the potty like before nap, after nap, some diaper changes and tried before bath and bed. She was ok with that. It wasn’t till today with the underwear thing that she freaked out and now idk what to do. Do I proceed with the underwear or just go back to diapers and forget about it for a while? HELP! FTM and don’t know what to do. I’m so worried I ruined it and scared her. 😩