Returning to work during the pandemic

Emily • Mummy of 3 💙💜💙 🇬🇧 UK

Hi guys! So I went on maternity leave in March just as this virus was going on, I had my daughter right in the 1st peak 30th March and as a result of the pandemic I was made redundant at the end of June.

I wanted a year off with my daughter, I also have a 2 year old son who we pulled out of nursery due to finances but I have been loving this time with my family, my husband works from home at the moment so I have had more support from him and he has got to spend so much time with us.

I wasn't looking for work, I got head hunted and on a whim I accepted the 1st interview, got through to the 2nd one and got offered the role! I have mixed emotions about it as my youngest is 7 months old but she will be at home with me and my eldest will be with my sister in law. I managed to get a part-time contract so I have 1 day in the week with my family.

Having been out of work so long and especially not being used to the "new normal" way of work life...can anyone tell me what it's like?

They're sending me my work laptop etc by courier, I won't be going into the office at all to meet my team or have an induction and they keep telling me that having a baby around while working is completely normal at the moment and not to worry about potential disruptions but it all seems very alien to me. I am breastfeeding her on demand and she is very clingy so I am very nervous about that, and nervous about how I will get to know the team and company when I won't really be meeting them or seeing things first-hand.

Is there anyone in a similar position? How did you overcome the nerves and adjust to the new ways of being a working parent?