Letrozole, with one tube, Stories

So, last year I had an HSG test done and discovered my right tube was completely blocked. My doctor put me on 50mg of clomid for two months and then upped my dose to 100mg the third month, but I had to quit taking it because of some awful side affects. I spoke with an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> specialist back in September and he was telling me that it seems like I may have PCOS and prescribed me 750mg of Metformin. My tubal blockage was due to PID from an STD that I had years ago, but he was basically telling me that my tube was probably just inflamed from PCOS(he was kind of cocky and I don’t care for him too much). I do ovulate every month, I actually have an issue with trying to keep my weight up, not down, and I do get cysts from time to time, but my doctor says that’s normal in woman. So I’m not really sure if I believe I have PCOS. Anyways, I was reading up on Metformin and I noticed a lot of women are taking it with letrozole, so I asked my other doctor(the one who prescribed me clomid last year) if I could try it out. Well, I’ve been taking Metformin and I start my first round of letrozole in about a week. I just wanted to hear some stories that may be somewhat similar to what mine is with this medication combo and only having one tube. My doctor told me that women only ovulate from one ovary, but the other tube can pick up that egg and that makes me nervous because all of my ovulation cramps or pain come from the right side(the blocked tube) and I don’t think anything’s happening with my left tube. I have given birth before my tube was blocked and my daughter will be 7 in a few months, so I know I can carry a child and I can get pregnant, Ive just been ttc for 3 years and have tried clomid with no success and I wanna know if there’s another chance besides <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.