Constipation (TMI: Poop Pic)


We have had problems with constipation for a long time. We are on Similac Pro Sensitive and has been eating pureed foods for about 2 momths now.

Whenever he goes 3-4 days without pooping, doctor would always say either give the watered down apple juice but when it seem to stop working, they wanted me to give him warm apple juice (without diluting it).

Yesterday was another constant trying to push day. I could see the poop but it can't come out because it was too hard. I tried the juice, gave prunes, massage and actually did stimulation thru a rectal thermometer. He was able to push a little turdlet but I was sure there was more. He started crying while pushing. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE SEEN HIM SEEM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. The past few times, it didn't bother him.

We have tried the biogaia probiotics before and didn't really do anything for us. We regularly eat fruits and veggies that should be good for regulating BMs but nothing seems to work.

I'm thinking of trying another probiotics. What would you suggest? I am trying hard to look for ways to prevent constipation and regulate his bowel movements instead of just treating it all the time.

Ps: my inlaw said he just has to have juice everyday and limit his formula because milk is causing his constipation. She said he is 7 months and should be eating a lot more and drinking a lot less 🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Pic is what he pooped after he cried trying to push it out. The white color is from his diaper cream that my hubby decided to bathe his booty with 😏