Fermara - 1st round

This is my first round of Fermara (5mg). My doctor had me take it on cd4-cd8. I am also on metformin, but haven't been taking it regularly because I have a hard time swallowing the chalky pill! I don't have too many side effects on it. 
I am 5'1 & 105lbs. My dr. wants me to gain weight (which I've tried!!)
​I am temping and charting and taking opk tests daily starting on cd10. I'm currently cd11. 
My husband and I have been ttc 2.5 years. He's 26 and I'm 27.  
​I think we are going to BD every other day (starting yesterday), until +opk then BD for 3 days everyday.  
​Anyone have any tips, advice, or positive ttc stories from just taking Fermara?