Fermara - 1st round

This is my first round of Fermara (5mg). My doctor had me take it on cd4-cd8. I am also on metformin, but haven't been taking it regularly because I have a hard time swallowing the chalky pill! I don't have too many side effects on it. 
I am 5'1 & 105lbs. My dr. wants me to gain weight (which I've tried!!)
​I am temping and charting and taking opk tests daily starting on cd10. I'm currently cd11. 
My husband and I have been ttc 2.5 years. He's 26 and I'm 27.  
​I think we are going to BD every other day (starting yesterday), until +opk then BD for 3 days everyday.  
​Anyone have any tips, advice, or positive ttc stories from just taking Fermara?  
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Posted at
I'm just on day 3 of fermara.  How did it go.  ?


Posted at
We took famera and I'm not sure if it was that or the fact that we had the hsg done the same cycle but we got pregnant on it. I had a lot less issues with famera than we did with clomid. Fingers crossed for you. It took us almost two years to get our lo. Starting this journey again for another one. 


Gina • Mar 2, 2014
Thanks! Good luck to you too! Its a rough journey but worth it in the end.


Haley • Mar 2, 2014
Good luck Gina on #2!


Posted at
I had no luck on it. My body didn't respond to the medicine -only had one egg. But then again I have no problem ovulating. 


Haley • Mar 4, 2014
Oh ok! I know some doctors do ultrasounds to see how many follic every month


Crystal • Mar 3, 2014
Next cycle Im going for IVF long cycle if i get my AF. It's due to come yesterday!


Crystal • Mar 3, 2014
Im living in Singapore. Unlike the US the doctors here do ultrasound even for every visit if you're preggers


Posted at
My doctor said the ultrasound shows pcos but the bloodwork does not... So not 100% sure if I texhnically am diagnosed with pcos or not and that could possibly be why ttc has been difficult.​​I'm just hoping the first round of Fermara works because every month is soooo long and it eventually just becomes so frustrating each month!