Pregnancy chart


Hi all, I know that I always wanted to see charts to compare with mine to see where I was going here is mine!

A little background- I’ve been trying for 19 months and have an a genetic adrenal condition called NCAH where my body produces too many androgens and suppresses cortisol production. It took me 10 months and had to go back on daily steroids to get my period back, then I was dealing with an extremely short luteal phase (7-8 days) where my temp would drop dramatically on 6dpo. This month on a whim my dr decided to test my post-ovulation progesterone (she wouldn’t before because I’m normally progesterone dominant and make way too much - that’s what the steroids are trying to suppress!) and it was super low. I went on progesterone suppositories twice a day and lo-and-behold...I’m pregnant!! Didn’t think it would actually work!! Apparently I needed the steroids to suppress progesterone pre-ovulation, but was suppressed too much after ovulation so my uterine lining wasn’t thick enough. Now I just have to make sure this sticks (my condition also makes miscarriages extremely common if my levels aren’t controlled at all here’s hoping!)