Faith over Fear


I hope I am not offending anyone with this post. It isn't intended to be religious or preachy but I thought some of us could use some positivity today. My husband who isn't super religious is obsessed with Joel Osteen. :) yesterday after getting news that only 2 eggs were retrieved, I spent the whole day in a down and negative space. Planning for the worst and already discussing next steps bc of how I believe this to unlikely result in a good outcome. My husband told me think positive and go watch Joel. I rolled my eyes and said seriously?! Lol. Anyways, I agreed and he said let's just put a random one on and what do you know he was talking about faith over fear. Exactly what I needed to here! Faith and fear both require you to believe in something you can't see. So, I'm deciding to put my energy in faith during this <a href="">IVF</a> process. It is hard but I'm definitely going to try. Wishing you all the best!