

Hey, ladies! I have already posted about this a couple times before, but I feel like our schedule is changing so just wanting some advice. Baby girl is 15 months, down to one nap now. She wakes up between 6-6:30. Putting her down for her nap between 11:30 and 12, depending on when she wakes up. She is only sleeping for 1 or 1.5 hours. I have been told that it’s normal for that to happen when they first transition. Putting her down for bed between 6:30 and 7 depending on when she wakes up from her nap.

How do I get her to nap longer, or do I just need to wait it out? She has been waking up at around 11 every night crying, we have to settle her and then she goes back to sleep, usually until morning. I’m wondering if this is due to her not napping well during the day or if maybe it’s something else.

Maybe my timing is off? I’m just trying to have a better, more predictable schedule. Any advice is appreciated, thank you☺️

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Posted at
Sounds almost exactly like my son when we started one nap. He's still occasionally wakes up around 11:00. His naps are getting longer, usually at least an hour and a half to 2 hours now. I personally suggest just waiting out. Hugs mama!


Dani • Dec 17, 2020
Up between 6-7. Nap 12:30 - 2/2:30. Bedtime 7-7/30.


Taylor • Dec 17, 2020
Thank you! Would you mind sharing your schedule with me? 😊


Posted at
If you’re on fb, I follow a group called “Respectful sleep training/learning”. They’re pretty good at being helpful with stuff like this, especially if your daughter is good at getting down to sleep on her own. They can give tips if you give the usual wake/nap/sleep times and lengths.


Taylor • Dec 17, 2020
Would you mind sending me a pic of what the page looks like? I’m actually having a difficult time finding it. Thank you!


Taylor • Dec 17, 2020
Thank you so much!


Posted at
A lot of times mine wakes at 1.5 hours but if i get to him quick enough he'll nurse and sleep another hour


Posted at
Have you tried to push her nap a bit earlier those are too many hours to be awake, my son usually wake up at 6am and nurse and goes back to sleep right after or during nursing and wake up at 730 or 8 am, sometimes he stay up as well from. 6 a.m and after nursing I put him down to his crib awake and he fall sleep on his own. If you write the time that she wake up try to be awake between 3 to 4 hours if they are awake longer than that is what make them sleep nad, my son used to nap 3 hours but lately is between 2.15 or 2.30 but about 3 weeks ago was 3 hours for sure but now also he is teething and that is not helping also make sure you baby is full before nap or bedtime so they sleep very good.