Extra mil


My MIL has been not so subtly hinting at me that I'm not doing enough. My daughter will be 2 in March. For Christmas we aren't doing santa bc shes not old enough to get it. Last week I had a 30 minute conversation about a special plate/cup for Santa cookies and milk (she was reccomending one on Amazon that was 40 dollars). I said when she's old enough we will set out a plate either a paper one (what I did as a kid) or ill buy a cheap one from hobby lobby or something. And she went on and on about how id want to have pictures of her this year putting out cookies for Santa... I'm sorry but no... she doesn't get it

Today... she asked my husband "what are u doing about the Santa paper" I've had this conversation with her before. She bought a huge roll of paper when her daughter (now 19) and she used it her whole childhood as Santa paper. MIL keeps harping on how "oh if u use different paper each year she will look back at pictures later and she will know Santa isn't real" I've told her before that it doesn't bother me to use different paper bc that's what my parents did and I never made the connection. Also... I'm thinking that if my child can compare/contrast pics and make that connection then she's old enough to handle the fact that Santa isn't real.

It always comes across as I'm not doing enough to make this holiday special for her. I'm an exhausted working mom (teacher doing virtual) and im doing what I can. I don't need someone coming at me accusing me of not doing enough