What is emotional abuse/trauma and is this it?

So I grew/am growing up with a bipolar mother and separates parents that have to live together bc my mom is financially irresponsible and was never really taught how to handle money, anyway, I was given a hard time by her when I was younger, what is this?

1) “how did I behave so well to my mom end up with such a terrible kid?”

2) “I would be so much better off if I didn’t have kids” (I’m an only child)

3) swearing at your child from a young age

4) telling me my dad was the bad guy even though I later learned that he’s a fucking saint who had a shit childhood

5) telling my aunt and grandparent to ‘stay the hell away from me because I’m her daughter’ (this happened because we had to stage an intervention for her because we thought she was gonna kill herself)

6) telling me I have no idea what depression’s like (before I was diagnosed)

7) leaving me alone when I have mildly-suicidal, panic attacks, and going pretending nothing happened, then treating me like I’m her therapist and telling me lies about my family and herself

8) gaslighting me and my dad, and doing stuff like shoving a glass in my dad’s face when he’s slightly pissed and sharing his side of events and saying “you should break it *name*, oh I bet you really wanna break it”

9) when I was upset because I was trying to tell her something and she called me hostile so we argued and she said I should just be grateful that she decided not to kill herself when I was a baby