28 y/o and wondering if it’s worth it

Hi guys,

I guess this is just a ramble and sort of a plea for help.

I’m a 28 year old female. Recently got out of a very significant relationship. Lost my dream job this year due to the pandemic, and am now bumming out with my family just trying to see what is next.

I have zero motivation. I’m gaining weight and don’t fit into any of my hip clothes that I usually pride myself on. I feel completely without an identity, and totally unworthy of relationships, friendships, and love/family in general. I honestly just feel really stupid.

I can’t find the energy or desire to “work on myself” or explore or do new things like everyone always encourages at times like these. I’m just wondering if it’s worth it. What’s worth living for. I know I sound emo and dramatic but really. I feel so disconnected and discouraged. I don’t know if I wanna stick around for more years of this. Help :(