Model inclusivity backlash


Something I'll never understand is how every time without fail when someone recommends being inclusive to all body types, there is that one person who jumps in and says "but it's not healthy!" Like no, being 300 pounds isn't "healthy" but neither is starving yourself so that you can be 100 pounds at 5'10" when your body wasn't meant to do that. The fatphobia is so damn real with this one. If they care so much about health, maybe they should get cracking on making human sized models.

Some women are naturally super slim. Let's include them. Some women are naturally a medium size, so let's include them. Some women are "plus sized" and have tons curves, so let's include them. I'll never understand the nerve of these people who try to force people into a box they don't belong in.

There is a BIG difference between 100 pounds being your normal, healthy weight versus people wanting you to be a cookie cutter when your ideal weight is thirty pounds more. You shouldn't have to be 30 pounds underweight to wear an itchy ugly dress with frills in all the wrong places, man