Did I do something wrong?

So I smoke weed. I have a medical card. My boyfriend hates it. Is totally against it. Gives me shit for it. Acts like I’m a child when I do it. Questions me and just all around makes me feel guilty for smoking weed. I have anxiety and sometimes panic attacks. He doesn’t believe in anxiety or panic attacks. He used to make fun of me while doing it. He calls me crazy says I need to go to a mental home. All of that. Well my dad has stage 4 kidney failure. So that’s what we’re all going through and I went over to see my parents. My dad was like let’s smoke. So we smoked I posted the joints on my private story on snap chat. He gives me shit for it. I get home and he’s SO upset about it he goes to bed. Mind you we are 21 22 years old. Grown ass adults. He’s so upset about it he goes to bed and tells me I don’t care what he thinks or I’m disrespectful. For posting it online. It’s my account I have a card and I have my dad possibly dying and that’s what he wants to throw a fit about. I get you don’t have to like it but I never smoke around him in our apartment I spray my breath my clothes. Just so I don’t smell like it because he hates it so much. But I’m not bothering him I’m spending time with my dad who’s going through something and I just think my boyfriend could get over it.

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